Example Instrumentation

Examples of using span metrics to debug performance issues and monitor application behavior across frontend and backend services.

This guide provides practical examples of using span attributes and metrics to solve common monitoring and debugging challenges across your entire application stack. Each example demonstrates how to instrument both frontend and backend components, showing how they work together within a distributed trace to provide end-to-end visibility.

Challenge: Understanding bottlenecks and failures in multi-step file processing operations across client and server components.

Solution: Track the entire file processing pipeline with detailed metrics at each stage, from client-side upload preparation through server-side processing.

Frontend Instrumentation:

// Client-side file upload handling
    name: "Client File Upload",
    op: "file.upload.client",
    attributes: {
      // Static details available at the start
      "file.size_bytes": 15728640, // 15MB
      "file.type": "image/jpeg",
      "file.name": "user-profile.jpg",
      "client.compression_applied": true,
  async () => {
    // Get the current active span to update during upload
    const span = Sentry.getActiveSpan();

    try {
      // Begin upload process
      const uploader = new FileUploader(file);

      // Update progress as upload proceeds
      uploader.on("progress", (progressEvent) => {
        if (span) {

      uploader.on("retry", (retryCount) => {
        if (span) {
          span.setAttribute("upload.retry_count", retryCount);

      const result = await uploader.start();

      // Set final attributes after completion
      if (span) {
        span.setAttribute("upload.total_time_ms", result.totalTime);
        span.setAttribute("upload.success", true);
        span.setAttribute("upload.server_file_id", result.fileId);

      return result;
    } catch (error) {
      // Record failure information
      if (span) {
        span.setAttribute("upload.success", false);
        span.setAttribute("upload.error_type", error.name);
        span.setAttribute("upload.error_message", error.message);
        span.setStatus({ code: "ERROR" });
      throw error;

Backend Instrumentation:

// Server-side processing
    name: "Server File Processing",
    op: "file.process.server",
    attributes: {
      // Server processing steps
      "processing.steps_completed": [

      // Storage operations
      "storage.provider": "s3",
      "storage.region": "us-west-2",
      "storage.upload_time_ms": 850,

      // CDN configuration
      "cdn.provider": "cloudfront",
      "cdn.propagation_ms": 1500,
  async () => {
    // Server-side processing implementation

How the Trace Works Together: The frontend span initiates the trace and handles the file upload process. It propagates the trace context to the backend through the upload request headers. The backend span continues the trace, processing the file and storing it. This creates a complete picture of the file's journey from client to CDN, allowing you to:

  • Identify bottlenecks at any stage (client prep, upload, server processing, CDN propagation)
  • Track end-to-end processing times and success rates
  • Monitor resource usage across the stack
  • Correlate client-side upload issues with server-side processing errors

Challenge: Managing cost (token usage) and performance of LLM integrations across frontend and backend coponents.

Solution: Tracking of the entire LLM interaction flow, from user input to response rendering.

Frontend Instrumentation:

// Client-side LLM interaction handling
    name: "LLM Client Interaction",
    op: "ai.client",
    attributes: {
      // Initial metrics available at request time
      "input.char_count": 280,
      "input.language": "en",
      "input.type": "question",
  async () => {
    const span = Sentry.getActiveSpan();
    const startTime = performance.now();

    // Begin streaming response from LLM API
    const stream = await llmClient.createCompletion({
      prompt: userInput,
      stream: true,

    // Record time to first token when received
    let firstTokenReceived = false;
    let tokensReceived = 0;

    for await (const chunk of stream) {

      // Record time to first token
      if (!firstTokenReceived && chunk.content) {
        firstTokenReceived = true;
        const timeToFirstToken = performance.now() - startTime;

        if (span) {
          span.setAttribute("ui.time_to_first_token_ms", timeToFirstToken);

      // Process and render the chunk

    // Record final metrics after stream completes
    const totalRequestTime = performance.now() - startTime;

    if (span) {
      span.setAttribute("ui.total_request_time_ms", totalRequestTime);
      span.setAttribute("stream.rendering_mode", "markdown");
      span.setAttribute("stream.tokens_received", tokensReceived);
          ? totalRequestTime -
          : totalRequestTime,

Backend Instrumentation:

// Server-side LLM processing
    name: "LLM API Processing",
    op: "ai.server",
    attributes: {
      // Model configuration - known at start
      "llm.model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022",
      "llm.temperature": 0.5,
      "llm.max_tokens": 4096,
  async () => {
    const span = Sentry.getActiveSpan();
    const startTime = Date.now();

    // Record queue time if applicable
    if (requestQueuedAt) {
      const queueTime = startTime - requestQueuedAt;
      if (span) {
        span.setAttribute("llm.queue_time_ms", queueTime);

    try {
      // Check rate limits before processing
      const rateLimits = await getRateLimits();
      if (span) {

      // Make the actual API call to the LLM provider
      const response = await llmProvider.generateCompletion({
        model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022",
        prompt: preparedPrompt,
        temperature: 0.5,
        max_tokens: 4096,

      // Record token usage and performance metrics
      if (span) {
        span.setAttribute("llm.total_tokens", response.usage.total_tokens);
        span.setAttribute("llm.api_latency_ms", Date.now() - startTime);

        // Calculate and record cost based on token usage
        const cost = calculateCost(
        span.setAttribute("llm.cost_usd", cost);

      return response;
    } catch (error) {
      // Record error details
      if (span) {
        span.setAttribute("error", true);
        span.setAttribute("error.type", error.name);
        span.setAttribute("error.message", error.message);
          error.code === "rate_limit_exceeded",
        span.setStatus({ code: "ERROR" });
      throw error;

How the Trace Works Together: The frontend span captures the user interaction and UI rendering performance, while the backend span tracks the actual LLM API interaction. The distributed trace shows the complete flow from user input to rendered response, enabling you to:

  • Analyze end-to-end response times and user experience
  • Track costs and token usage patterns
  • Optimize streaming performance and UI rendering
  • Monitor rate limits and queue times
  • Correlate user inputs with model performance

Challenge: Understanding the complete purchase flow and identifying revenue-impacting issues across the entire stack.

Solution: Track the full checkout process from cart interaction to order fulfillment.

Frontend Instrumentation:

// Client-side checkout process
    name: "Checkout UI Flow",
    op: "commerce.checkout.client",
    attributes: {
      // Cart interaction metrics
      "cart.items_added": 3,
      "cart.items_removed": 0,
      "cart.update_count": 2,

      // User interaction tracking
      "ui.form_completion_time_ms": 45000,
      "ui.payment_method_changes": 1,
      "ui.address_validation_retries": 0,

      // Client performance
      "client.page_load_time_ms": 850,
      "client.payment_widget_load_ms": 650,
      "client.total_interaction_time_ms": 120000,
  async () => {
    // Client-side checkout implementation

Backend Instrumentation:

// Server-side order processing
    name: "Order Processing",
    op: "commerce.order.server",
    attributes: {
      // Order details
      "order.id": "ord_123456789",
      "order.total_amount": 159.99,
      "order.currency": "USD",
      "order.items": ["SKU123", "SKU456", "SKU789"],

      // Payment processing
      "payment.provider": "stripe",
      "payment.method": "credit_card",
      "payment.processing_time_ms": 1200,

      // Inventory checks
      "inventory.check_time_ms": 150,
      "inventory.all_available": true,

      // Fulfillment
      "fulfillment.warehouse": "WEST-01",
      "fulfillment.shipping_method": "express",
      "fulfillment.estimated_delivery": "2024-03-20",
  async () => {
    // Server-side order processing

How the Trace Works Together: The frontend span tracks the user's checkout experience, while the backend span handles order processing and fulfillment. The distributed trace provides visibility into the entire purchase flow, allowing you to:

  • Analyze checkout funnel performance and drop-off points
  • Track payment processing success rates and timing
  • Monitor inventory availability impact on conversions
  • Measure end-to-end order completion times
  • Identify friction points in the user experience

Challenge: Understanding performance and reliability of distributed job processing systems, from job creation through completion.

Solution: Comprehensive tracking of job lifecycle across scheduling, queueing, and processing stages.

Frontend Instrumentation:

// Client-side job submission and monitoring
    name: "Job Submission Flow",
    op: "job.client",
    attributes: {
      // Job configuration
      "job.type": "video_transcoding",
      "job.priority": "high",
      "job.estimated_duration_ms": 300000,

      // Input metrics
      "input.size_bytes": 52428800, // 50MB
      "input.format": "mp4",
      "input.segments": 5,

      // Client-side scheduling
      "schedule.requested_start": "2024-03-15T10:00:00Z",
      "schedule.deadline": "2024-03-15T11:00:00Z",

      // Progress monitoring
      "monitor.polling_interval_ms": 5000,
      "monitor.status_updates_received": 12,
      "monitor.last_progress_percent": 45,
  async () => {
    // Job submission and progress tracking implementation

Backend Instrumentation:

// Server-side job processing
    name: "Job Processing Pipeline",
    op: "job.server",
    attributes: {
      // Queue metrics
      "queue.name": "video-processing",
      "queue.provider": "redis",
      "queue.length_at_enqueue": 23,
      "queue.wait_time_ms": 45000,

      // Worker metrics
      "worker.id": "worker-pod-123",
      "worker.current_load": 0.75,
      "worker.memory_usage_mb": 1024,

      // Processing stages
      "processing.stages_completed": [
      "processing.stage_durations_ms": {
        download: 12000,
        transcode: 180000,
        thumbnail: 5000,

      // Resource utilization
      "resource.cpu_percent": 85,
      "resource.gpu_utilization": 0.92,
      "resource.memory_peak_mb": 2048,

      // Job outcome
      "outcome.status": "completed",
      "outcome.retry_count": 0,
      "outcome.output_size_bytes": 31457280, // 30MB
  async () => {
    // Job processing implementation

How the Trace Works Together: The frontend span tracks job submission and monitoring, while the backend span captures queue management and processing details. The distributed trace provides visibility into the entire job lifecycle, enabling you to:

  • Monitor end-to-end job processing times and success rates
  • Track queue health and worker resource utilization
  • Identify bottlenecks in specific processing stages
  • Analyze job scheduling efficiency and queue wait times
  • Optimize resource allocation based on job characteristics

For more information about implementing these examples effectively, see our Span Metrics guide which includes detailed best practices and implementation guidelines.

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